Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Intro - Why Israel and Zionists suck

Because they are racist
Because they are elitist
Because they look down on 'gentiles' as inferior beings
Because they hate anyone who is not like them
Because they assume everyone is against them
Because they can't take criticism (constructive or otherwise)
Because they use shame tactics to silence critics
Because they call anyone who doesn't agree with them 'anti-semitic'
Because they accuse anyone who sees through their BS lies of being anti-semitic
Because they accuse anyone who criticizes them of being a 'nazi'
Because they stifle freedom of speech and expression
Because they claim to want peace yet do the exact opposite
Because they are hypocrites
Because they complain about muslim/arab terrorism yet continuously carry out their own brand of terrorism
Because they drag us into their costly wars and make us pay for them
Because they are bleeding the U.S. dry
Because they are only using the United States to further their own racist agenda
Because they are jewish-supremacists
Because they are judeo-nazis
Because of their duplicity
Because they complain about Iran's weapons yet it was Israel who helped the Reagan administration to sell them arms
Because they claim to be our friend yet stab us in the back
Because of the U.S.S. Liberty
Because of the Lavon Affair
Because of Jonathan Pollard
Because of the AIPAC spy scandal
Because Israel is an apartheid state
Because the wall in Israel is even worst than the Berlin wall
Because they are greedy terrorist pigs
Because they think they hold a monopoly on suffering
Because they refuse to recognize the holocausts other people have suffered
Because they believe only Jews deserve special treatment
Because they even attack fellow Jews who disagree with them
Because they violently attack those who speak out against their abuses
Because of Rachel Corrie
Because of Rae Abileah
Because of Jacob Israƫl de Haan
Because of Folk Bernadotte
Because of any innocent people (jew and non-jew) who have died and suffered because of their excesses.

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