Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Not so fast, muslims . . .

Just because Zionist jews are human rights abusers does not mean muslims are innocent.  Muslims have been responsible for some of the worst atrocities in the world.

Why do many muslims suck?

Because they are hypocrites
Because they whine about palestinian rights yet refuse to let them on their soil
Because they whine about Israel apartheid yet muslim countries treat their non-muslim citizens like crap
Because they treat Yemenite Jews like crap
Because they treat Turkish Christians like crap
Because powerful arab tribes in the Sudan treat poorer/less powerful arabs or muslims like crap
Because taliban muslims harass other muslims who are not like their them
Because they are reactionary
Because they complain and protest before knowing all the facts
Because they assume all arabs are muslims and if they are not then they are spies
Because they even put their own people in danger when they provoke their enemies
Because they think they are right and everyone else is wrong
Because they whine about how muslim rights are trampled on yet they routinely violate rights of non-muslims
Because they squander their money and oil
Because they care more about image than about substance
Because they are so busy bickering amongst themselves they never get anything done
Because they are still living in the dark ages
Because they claim to follow god yet they lie, cheat, steal, and kill repeatedly
Because they expect baksheesh for every little thing (even asking for directions, which most people would gladly give for free)
Because they don’t believe in freedom of speech
Because they have no problem criticizing Judaism or Christianity yet they go apeshit if someone says something bad about islam or mohammed
Because they have abandoned science, mathematics, and reason for religious fanaticism
Because of Theo Van Gogh
Because of Malala Yousafzai
Because of the Black September slaughter