Monday, April 17, 2017


Non-jews ("gentiles") are always painted as evil sinners, and jews are always painted as innocent saints by the zionist-run mainstream media.

Well, I believe we are all humans, and a news story from 2014 shows that jews are just like us.  Some of us are paragons of virtue, while others are deeply flawed.  Jews are no better than anyone else.

May 2014: A Jewish Rabbi (52-year old Samuel Waldman of Brooklyn, New York) was caught creating and distributing child pornography, along with a racially diverse group of non-jews (asian, african-american, hispanic (or brazilian), caucasian).

[When I said I wanted everyone to work together and get along, I didn't mean this!!]

About 70 people were arrested in an anti-child pornography sting, including a registered nurse, a boy scout leader, a paramedic, a (male) nanny, a police officer, and even a police chief.

These sickos had children as young as 7 years old engaging in sexual acts, including one woman who sexually abused her 3 or 4 -year old child, while one man filmed his naked stepdaughter using hidden cameras.  Another suspect had already been previously convicted for raping someone younger than 11 years old.

Now, if this had been a priest or a protestant pastor instead of a rabbi, this story would have made national headlines.  However, because a jewish rabbi was involved, the media decided to keep it as local as possible.

Samuel Waldman - no comment for the media


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