Monday, April 17, 2017


Non-jews ("gentiles") are always painted as evil sinners, and jews are always painted as innocent saints by the zionist-run mainstream media.

Well, I believe we are all humans, and a news story from 2014 shows that jews are just like us.  Some of us are paragons of virtue, while others are deeply flawed.  Jews are no better than anyone else.

May 2014: A Jewish Rabbi (52-year old Samuel Waldman of Brooklyn, New York) was caught creating and distributing child pornography, along with a racially diverse group of non-jews (asian, african-american, hispanic (or brazilian), caucasian).

[When I said I wanted everyone to work together and get along, I didn't mean this!!]

About 70 people were arrested in an anti-child pornography sting, including a registered nurse, a boy scout leader, a paramedic, a (male) nanny, a police officer, and even a police chief.

These sickos had children as young as 7 years old engaging in sexual acts, including one woman who sexually abused her 3 or 4 -year old child, while one man filmed his naked stepdaughter using hidden cameras.  Another suspect had already been previously convicted for raping someone younger than 11 years old.

Now, if this had been a priest or a protestant pastor instead of a rabbi, this story would have made national headlines.  However, because a jewish rabbi was involved, the media decided to keep it as local as possible.

Samuel Waldman - no comment for the media



Like most Americans, I was raised in the judeo-christian heritage.  I was taught both the old and new testament, and that there was some sort of "kinship" we shared with jews (one that didn't exists between say, us and muslims, or hindus, or buddhists, etc)

Also like most Americans, I was fed only mainstream media while growing up.  I was, for all intents and purposes, told that the people in Israel were all victims and that Arabs and Muslims were mostly terrorists.  It was also made clear that one should never criticize Jews or Israel "because of the holocaust", that they have "suffered the most", and that it was somehow "racist" to criticize either.

Etcetera, etc., etc.

If they (jews/israelis) didn't trust us (non-jews, or "gentiles") or if they feared us, it was never their fault; it was because of history, and we should show them that we can be trusted.  That somehow the onus was on us to "be accepting" (even thought none of us had every harmed them; in fact, for decades we had gone out of our way to show them that none of us were anti-semitic).

After reaching adulthood, I started getting curious about history, especially middle eastern history.  I wanted to know why jews and arabs/muslims hated each other.  I had no agenda; I was sincerely curious.  So I purchased a book which I thought looked unbiased (because there were quite a few that didn't).  I truly wanted to hear both sides of the story, and then make up my mind and formulate an educated opinion about the region.

Needless to say I was surprised to find out that it wasn't as simple as "good versus evil".  While I did not become critical of Israel (yet), I began to question all of the (mis)information that had been fed to me growing up.  It seems there was a lot of contextual backstory that the media routinely omitted (and still does).  It then became apparent that this was done because this information does not support the narrative of good versus evil, and it complicates the 'cut and dried' approach that news editors favor (after all, they know that most viewers and readers don't want to get bogged down with too many details or background).  Many viewers and readers don't like moral ambiguity either.

Not to mention that even suggesting that perhaps the other side has a point, would cause one to be labeled a nazi, anti-semite, a terrorist sympathizer, or "anti-american".  Those are career-killers.

It wasn't until I finally went online and started reading as much information as I could that I realized the Palestinians had gotten a raw deal from England and the Zionists.  Raw deal is an understatement.  I learned that their land was practically stolen from them.  I learned how vicious the zionists could be with anyone who didn't agree with them (particularly the Irgun and Lehi, two paramilitary (terrorist) zionist organizations active during world war II), regardless if you were muslim or european (and even if you were jewish).

Then, out of pure academic curiosity, I looked up "what do Jews believe?" on the internet.  I wanted to know how christian beliefs and jewish beliefs were similar and how they differed.  This was probably the most shocking discovery.  It wasn't so much the religious rules (I knew about those already), but rather the way jewish people view non-jews (I dislike using the word "gentiles", as that seems to have a pejorative connotation now).

It became clear to me that Jews HATE non-jews.  There was one website in particular that used all manner of false-logic acrobatics to argue that religious messianic jews are not real jews, but that secular jews are still real jews.  The anti-christian tone, while not explicitly stated, was clear.

I kept finding information on other websites (jewish websites, not anti-semitic ones like so called "christian-identity" sites, because I wanted reliable information).  The Talmud, I discovered, was full of xenophobia and anti-gentile racism.  At least one apologist commenter claimed that the word "cuthean" could also mean a jew who did not follow judaic law, but that of course is nonsense.  It is abundantly clear that cuthean is meant to refer to non-jews.

To them, we are not men (human); hence the biblical verse stating that one should not make slaves of their fellow man does not really apply to us.  We are lower than dogs.  We can be swindled.  Our lives are worth less than that of a jew.  Raping and enslaving us is acceptable (I sometimes wonder if that is where mohammed got his crazy ideas with regards to treatment of non-muslims).

At first came disbelief.  I didn't want to believe these people could think so lowly of us, considering that we have made long strides in equality, and that non-jewish society has bent over backwards to show jews how we don't hate them for being jews.

After disbelief came hurt.  I don't mean to sound dramatic, but I was actually very deeply hurt.  All my life I have respected other people's beliefs, and I never thought about pushing my beliefs on others (especially jews, since I thought they believed many of the things we did).

After hurt came anger.  I was angry that me and billions of people around the globe (asians, africans, latin americans, etc) were lumped in with a minority of europeans who had done bad things to jews in the past.  Most people in the world probably never knew what a jew was (let alone met one) before 1945.

And yet all of us are assumed to be anti-semitic. It doesn't matter how nice we are to them, it doesn't matter how supportive we are to them, it doesn't matter how much we stay out of their business.  To them, we are evil. To them, we are all trying to stick them in gas chambers.  To them, we are all people to be relieved of their money.

To them, we are to be feared and not trusted, and to be taken advantage of.  And that is how each generation of jewish children is raised to see us.  And so it continues.

Thankfully, not all jews are like this.  There are good jews out there who just want to live their life in peace without causing trouble.  Those who, while they may disagree religiously or socially with the rest of us, are willing to coexist and respect our right to life and liberty.  This website is not about them.

This website is about the other ones.  The racist, xenophobic, gentile-hating zionist jews (as well as their zionist gentile collaborators).  It is THEM who are to be feared and not trusted.

I now know why it was so easy to be brainwashed by the mainstream media growing up - because people with zionist tendencies are the ones in charge of the mainstream media.

Don't believe everything you hear or see on TV and in newspapers or internet.  In fact, don't believe everything I write in this blog.  Do your own research and decide for yourself.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas

In the spirit of the season, I will post something positive on this website (for once).  Merry Christmas, everyone.  Maybe one day we will all get along.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

bootlicking politicians

Trump claims he'll treat all nations fairly or equally in foreign policy.  I don't think he'll be able to, especially considering the stranglehold the zionists have on our government.  But we'll see.

For now, here's a picture of the 2016 presidential candidates of the United States (Trump and Clinton):

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Christian church burned by Zionists

February 26, 2015:  A Greek Orthodox seminary in Jerusalem was burned and vandalized by (alleged) Jewish extremists.

According to the police, one of the walls of a seminary annex was burned, graffiti insulting Jesus was written (in hebrew), and a toilet and shower were burned.

Funny.  The christian west is Israel's biggest supporter, and this is how they repay us.  And hardly a mention from the western media (either right or left).

Had a synagogue being vandalized in such a manner, the Anti-Defamation League and Simon Weisenthal Center would have made sure the whole world knew about it. Don't expect anything from them either.


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

UCI (Part 4)

Again, another article regarding criticism of anti-Zionism at UC campuses, this time from the New York Times.

According to the story, Zionist Bullies Jewish Organizations applauded the new proposal, after they had "demanded more be done to protect students against anti-Semitism after several high-profile incidents, including one in which swastikas were spray-painted on a Jewish fraternity house."

So, just because some racist idiot spray paints a swastika, it is assumed they are "anti-zionist activists". Honestly, a lot of these ignorant nazi racists couldn't care less about palestinian rights or Israel (on the contrary, they would probably support Jews leaving the U.S. to go to Israel).

In fact, it is very possible that it was a zionist jew who spray painted that swastika in order to create support for this new "Intolerance Proposal" (in essence, acting as a provocateur, like the incident at George Washington University where a freshman Jewish girl scrawled swastikas on her own door and reported it to the police - link below).

We honestly don't know.

The article quoted Tammi Rossman-Benjamin (from the Zionist McCarthyist group AMCHA; discussed in a prior post) as saying: "The fact is that anti-Zionism is viewed as anti-Semitism by most Jewish students and by the vast majority of the Jewish community."

Well, just because somebody 'views' something a certain way does not necessarily mean that person's view is correct.  If somebody happens to take things the wrong way, then maybe the problem is them.

Though we all know that is not the real reason - the REAL reason for this proposal is because they want to silence criticism of Israel, plain and simple.  Even a monkey could figure that one out.  The fact that this proposal made it so far up the UC administration (instead of being nipped in the bud) doesn't say much for the intelligence of some of the UC regents.


Link to video of Zionist Girl who wrote swastikas

Link to article:

UCI (part 3)

Another article from the LA times (March 16) regarding the attack on freedom of speech on UC campuses.

Fortunately, there are some people who are concerned that UC's proposed 'Intolerance Policy' goes too far regarding Zionism.  Sadly I think their pleas will fall on deaf ears, but it gives me hope and encouragement that I'm not the only one who feels like this proposal is a bad idea.

Just like not all Jews are Zionists (and not all Zionists are Jews), not all anti-Zionists are anti-Semitic.  The Zionists will of course scoff at this statement, but that's because deep down they know it's true.  And the truth hurts.

 The UC regents were scheduled to meet today. I'm not hopeful, though.
